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The dos and don’ts of motor vehicle accident claims

If you have sustained an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and are thinking of making a claim for your injuries, it is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation.

Many people think claiming compensation for MVA injuries is an easy process, however it can leave you exposed to insurance companies who have plenty of experience in defending compensation claims.

You have one shot at obtaining the best compensation outcome, so we strongly recommend you obtain legal advice from our personal injury lawyers before proceeding with your claim.

Below is a list of the dos and don’ts when it comes to claiming compensation for MVA injuries.

DON’T go it alone – seek advice from a specialist MVA injury claims lawyer

As mentioned above, insurance companies and specialist insurance investigators have extensive experience when defending MVA compensation claims. It is in their best interests to pay out as little compensation as possible for your injuries. Obtaining legal advice from an experienced lawyer who specialises in MVA compensation claims is vital so the insurer does not have the upper hand with your claim.

People are sometimes tempted to choose a lawyer solely based on price and location. It is important to choose a lawyer based on their track record and experience. When searching for a lawyer, you should ask if they have experience dealing with personal injury claims. You can usually find this information on their website or via the Law Society.

Most lawyers these days are flexible and will represent clients regardless of their location. Most lawyers are also happy to have remote meetings with their clients so don’t be put off by a lawyer that is not local to you.

It is vital to choose the correct lawyer so that you receive the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to.

DO report the accident to the police

You must report the MVA to the police as soon as possible from the date of the MVA. This is very important as it assists in proving that your claim is genuine and not exaggerated. Once you have reported the MVA to the police you will be provided with an Event Number. The insurer will require this to open an MVA compensation claim on your behalf. If police did not attend the scene of the MVA, you should call them as soon as possible and report the MVA.

If you have not reported the MVA within the specified time frame of the incident occurring, we strongly recommend you speak with one of our specialist lawyers who will be able to assist you.

DO keep records, especially photographs

It is vital to take photos or video of the location of the accident, all of the vehicles involved (and especially their registration plates) and the drivers and their licences.

It is very important to keep documentation of any damages and injuries sustained from the MVA. This will assist in proving the extent of your injuries. It is also important to document any receipts for medical expenses incurred from receiving treatment for your MVA injuries. We recommend you keep a folder containing these images.

DON’T settle too soon

As mentioned previously, insurance companies will try and settle your matter as quickly as possible by offering you a compensation amount upfront.

We do not recommend you accept an insurer’s first offer as our experience shows that when a person appoints a lawyer to assist with their MVA claim, they can receive a much better financial settlement.

This is another reason why it is so important to seek advice from a personal injury lawyer.

DON’T delay claiming and seeking legal advice.

MVAs need to be reported to police as soon as possible. If you don’t report the MVA because you believe your injury is insignificant and not worth making a claim for compensation, you should still seek legal advice as to your entitlements. There have been instances where injuries have worsened over time leaving the injured person with significant loss. We recommend you speak with one of our personal injury lawyers as soon as possible to prevent this from happening to you.


MVA injuries are common and many people receive injuries as a result. Many of these people also attempt to resolve their MVA claims on their own without the advice or support of a lawyer. Making a claim for compensation for an injury sustained as a result of an MVA can be confusing, complex and overwhelming, not to mention dealing with insurance companies who do not have your best interests at heart. This is why we strongly recommend seeking legal advice for anyone wishing to make an MVA compensation claim.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Tips for getting ready for Family Court

Settling your family law matter in the court system can be stressful, expensive, and most likely, a lengthy process. Understanding the timeline of court directions and procedure will help you prepare for the process.

This article provides the most important tips to help make the court process as smooth and productive as possible.

It is important to remember that court proceedings should be relied on as a last resort after all attempts made to negotiate a settlement.

We strongly recommend that you seek legal advice from an experienced family lawyer before commencing a court application.

Understanding the timeline for court hearings

Family law matters proceed through the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. There are four types of hearings that usually take place during family law proceedings in the court, these include:

  • Direction Hearings or Mentions;
  • Interim Hearings;
  • Call overs; and
  • Final Hearings.

Learning about proceedings in the FCFCA

They say knowledge is power, so we recommend you invest some time educating yourself about procedural issues and the law. If you have a family lawyer managing your matter, ask them to explain the process to you in simple language.

If your proceedings involve a property settlement, you should have a thorough understanding of the likely outcomes and property division. If your proceedings involve the care of children, you should ensure you understand the possible outcomes for orders and arrangements for your children.

If you are unable to pay for a lawyer to represent you, you can request an appointment for representation from a Legal Aid lawyer, or at the very least, seek legal advice in relation to hearings.

Identify the issues in dispute

It is imperative that you work out the legal issues you and your ex-partner cannot agree on.  Clarify what you want to achieve from the hearing, and understand the other party’s wants.

When the differences between each party are clear, make a list of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Plan how you will respond to any arguments made by the other party in relation to weaknesses in your matter.

Ensure that you:

  • have relevant documents ready to hand to the Judge or in your sworn affidavit;
  • have prepared written submissions to be handed up to the Judge;
  • include a chronology of events, if appropriate;
  • write out the orders you are seeking.

Doing the above, even if you have legal representation, will assist your lawyer preparing your case and may even save you costs in legal fees.


The court can only consider evidence that is relevant to your matter and ‘admissible’ (i.e., able to be used in court). Evidence is usually admissible if it supports a party’s argument, or helps to weaken the other party’s argument.

Be objective about the evidence required. The evidence must be directly linked to your argument.

Don’t use unnecessary evidence which may be distracting. At the same time, you must keep in mind your duty to disclose material relevant to the issues in dispute.

Sometimes evidence that might seem relevant can’t be used in court.

The rules surrounding evidence can be complex so we strongly recommend you seek legal advice in relation to the evidence you will be relying on.

During the hearing

The general dress code for court is business attire, you should ensure you look neat and tidy. When entering and leaving the court room, it is etiquette to bow to the Judge and always stand when the Judge speaks to you. Ensure that your mobile phone is switched off. Following good court etiquette gives the Judge an indication of your character.

Remaining calm and reasonable in court, regardless of how heated arguments become, is very important as it shows the Judge that you are generally a calm and reasonable person.

When the Judge asks you a question, ensure you directly answer that specific question. Courts are under pressure from time constraints and appreciate direct and straightforward answers to questions.

Video conferencing

The court conducts hearings both in person and electronically via video link and telephone. This is referred to as ‘video conferencing’. The court will advise if your matter is listed for a remote hearing.

Electronic hearings are conducted as proper and formal court hearings which means the usual Rules of Court, court procedures and etiquette are expected to be complied with.

You can request your hearing be conducted electronically (using the relevant form which can be found on the court website). The court may also direct that the hearing be held via video link or telephone.

How do I find out where and how my hearing will take place?

You can usually find the above information by checking court orders, if your hearing was listed when the judge or registrar made the orders, or in emails or letters about your matter from the court.  If your hearing is listed to be heard electronically, the court will send you or your lawyer an email with instructions on how to join the hearing and what documents you will need to provide the court before the hearing date.


Preparing for a family court hearing involves a lot of work and is time consuming. Ensuring that you have all documentation required and a thorough understanding of court procedures is vital for a successful outcome.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

A Guide to Buying Commercial Premises

Buying a commercial property (such as a warehouse, office building or retail space) is more complicated than buying a residential property. There are complex contract terms, detailed planning information and additional legal and commercial implications if the premises are leased.

In this article we set out some of the key issues in relation to buying a commercial property.

Contract for sale

The contract will typically be prepared by the seller’s lawyer and will set out the terms and conditions for the sale of the property. Essential terms will include, for example, a description of the property, the purchase price, a list of any fixtures or fittings that are included in the sale and the settlement date.

The contract will also include detailed special conditions which relate specifically to the property and the terms on which the seller is offering the property for sale. These special conditions need to be examined and explained to the purchaser by a lawyer who is experienced in the purchase and sale of commercial properties.

The sale of each commercial property is a unique transaction and general terms in the contract will usually be negotiated and varied by the parties.

Name of the purchasing party

In commercial sales, it is important to ensure that the contract correctly identifies the entity buying the property. There are a number of different entities which can purchase commercial property including individuals, individuals in partnership, companies, trustees of discretionary trusts, superannuation funds or a combination of entities.

If you are thinking about buying a commercial property you should speak with your accountant or lawyer prior to the purchase about the buying entity which best suits your tax or asset protection needs.

If the sale is completed and you decide that someone else should own the property (for example, a trustee of a trust) then this could require a transfer of the property and payment of additional stamp duty and capital gains tax.

Goods and services tax

The sale of commercial premises will often attract GST. Whether or not you are required to pay GST on the sale price of the property can make a significant difference to your cash flow.

GST is generally imposed where a seller is registered or required to be registered for GST and is conducting an “enterprise”. If you are the buyer and registered for GST, you can claim the GST component in your next business activity statement, however, you will need to pay the money upfront to the seller.

There are some exemptions to the application of GST. For example, a seller does not need to apply GST if the property is part of a “going concern”. This might apply if the property is a business premises or a tenanted building. A seller may also be able to use the margin scheme to work out the GST that applies to the sale of the property. This should be detailed in the contract.

When it comes to GST in commercial property it is important to seek advice as it can affect the amount required to be paid at settlement and the stamp duty which is assessed as payable.

Existing leases

A buyer is bound by any leases disclosed in the contract of sale. If you are buying premises subject to a lease you should have the lease reviewed by an experienced lawyer. That is because the specific terms of the lease can have an impact on the commercial viability of the purchase. A lease to a poor tenant, paying under market rent, for a lengthy lease term is a vastly different commercial proposition to a lease to a quality tenant paying market rent.

Due diligence

There are a number of searches and enquiries, including legal, physical and technical, which should be carried out when purchasing a commercial property. These include rates and water search, title search, company search (if the seller is a company), a search of the contaminated land register and land tax search.

A buyer can consider inserting a clause in the contract that the purchase of the property is subject to the buyer being satisfied with its due diligence inquiries, to be undertaken within a specified time.


Purchasing a commercial property is an important investment decision with significant financial implications. A good lawyer can help you negotiate the sale contract and ensure that your interests are protected during the purchasing process.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Getting interim orders in the Family Court

Separated couples unable to resolve matters regarding parenting and finances through mutual agreement can apply for interim orders in the Federal Circuit Court (or Family Court for some more serious and complex cases).

Interim orders are “temporary orders” and usually made as a matter of urgency to determine parenting and financial matters until the final hearing.

Although interim orders are temporary, it is important to ensure you understand your rights and entitlements regarding parenting and property arrangements as a status quo is sometimes set by interim orders.

What are interim orders?

Parties have the option to apply for interim orders as there is a general waiting period of up to 12 months or longer for a final hearing where final orders are made. As such, interim orders are “temporary” orders that are required for urgent matters, mainly regarding the care of children.

For most property matters, there is no need for interim orders, unless there are urgent issues needing to be addressed, for example, which party will remain occupying the former home where the couple resided.

We strongly recommend you speak with one of our family lawyers who can provide you with advice tailored to your situation.

How do I get interim orders?

Before making an application for parenting proceedings, parties must first attempt Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) with a mediator, unless there is history of family violence or child abuse. If no agreement regarding parenting is reached during FDR, or if one of the parties does not participate, the parties will need to apply for interim orders.

When applying for interim orders regarding a parenting application, an Affidavit and a Notice of Risk is required to be filed with your application. You must also file a 60i Certificate with your application for interim parenting orders.

If you are making an application for financial interim orders, you must submit an Affidavit and a Financial Statement with your application.

A fee will need to be paid at the time an application for interim orders is lodged.

Interim hearings usually take place between 2-3 months after an Initiating Application is filed.

Even if the other party has filed an application for an interim order first, you may still file your own application through a Response. Once your Response has been submitted, you will be in the same position as the other party.

An interim hearing may also be used to obtain the following types of Orders:

  • Drug testing;
  • Recovery Order;
  • Restraints on certain behaviours;
  • Appointment of an Independent Children’s Lawyer.

There is a lot of work involved in preparing an application for interim orders. To ensure you have included all necessary documents and information for your application and that you have drafted your affidavit correctly, we strongly advise you speak with one of our experienced family lawyers.

What happens during an interim hearing?

In interim hearings, courts do not make rulings on disputed facts because the evidence presented cannot be tested by cross examination. Courts make interim orders based on respective applications, affidavits, relevant reports and/or submissions made by both parties. Interim hearings are generally heard in less than two hours unless there are special circumstances which can cause the hearing to go over 2 hours.

An interim order for parenting may include the following;

  • who the children of the relationship will reside with;
  • the amount of time the children will spend with each parent and other people, such as grandparents;
  • details of parental responsibility;
  • how children will communicate with the parent they do not live with (including other people);
  • any other factors related to the care, welfare or development of children.

When determining the above, the court will consider what is in the “best interests of the children.”

An interim property settlement (also referred to as “part property settlement”) can generally be described as an “advance” on what a party is likely to receive in a final property settlement. Interim property orders usually provide for funds to be used by one of the parties after separation. These funds may be used for whatever purpose the party seeking the interim order chooses, such as purchasing a property, car, paying legal expenses or for day to day living expenses. It is important to keep in mind that the funds allocated in the interim property order will be treated as part of what that party will receive in the final property settlement, i.e. these funds will be deducted from the final property settlement.


Interim orders are made as a temporary, urgent solution to a separated couples’ parenting and financial situation. At the final hearing, the court will examine all evidence, listen to cross-examination of the parties, and will then make final orders.

If a party wishes to apply for parenting orders, they must attempt ADR before doing so.

Considering the lengthy delays experienced in the Family Law Court, interim orders often remain in place for a long time. This means they can sometimes have an impact upon the final orders that may be made by the court, so it is crucial to seek advice from an experienced family lawyer who can ensure that proper time, care and effort has gone into preparing and presenting your case at the interim hearing.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Unfair dismissal at the end of a fixed term contract. What?

Fixed-term employment contracts are common in many workplaces. Understandably, most employers consider they would be protected from an unfair dismissal claim once the term ends. However, in Saeid Khayam v Navitas English Pty Ltd t/a Navitas English (‘Navitas’) [2017] FWCFB 5162 the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission found that an employee may have rights to pursue unfair dismissal proceedings even though the employment ends at the expiration of a fixed-term contract.

The case emphasises the need for businesses to remain vigilant in their employment practices and stay abreast of current workplace laws and their interpretation.

The case

Mr Khayam was employed by Navitas to perform teaching duties on a casual basis between 2005 and 2012. He was subsequently offered two consecutive fixed-term contracts, the last for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016 (the expiry date). This contract was entered despite Navita’s initial reluctance to offer a further term due to concerns over Mr Khayam’s unsatisfactory performance of administrative work.

The contract provided for the automatic termination on the expiry date. The enterprise agreement applicable to Navitas at the time both authorised the fixed-term engagement of employees and provided ‘absolute discretion’ as to whether or not Navitas would offer or renew such contracts.

Navitas informed Mr Khayam a few weeks before the last contract was to expire that further employment would not be offered based on his ‘performance and disciplinary record’. Mr Khayam’s employment ended on 30 June 2016 and he made an unfair dismissal claim with the Fair Work Commission.

Navitas argued that it had not dismissed Mr Khayam, rather his contract had simply ended upon expiry. The Commission initially agreed with Navitis and Mr Khayam appealed.

Termination at the ‘initiative of the employer’

Establishing that he was dismissed was key to Mr Khayam’s appeal. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), at s 386 provides:

  • ‘A person has been dismissedif:
  • the person’s employment with his or her employer has been terminated on the employer’s initiative…
  • However, a person has not been dismissedif:
  • the person was employed under a contract of employment for a specified period of time, for a specified task, or for the duration of a specified season, and the employment has terminated at the end of the period…’

Upon reading s 386, it may have been plausible that Mr Khayam had not been dismissed however the Full Bench considered that such a decision was ‘artificially constrained and did not take into account all the relevant circumstances’. Consequently, the appeal was upheld.

The Full Bench declined to determine whether Mr Khayam had in fact been dismissed and the matter was referred back to the Commissioner, who had already heard the evidence and would now be equipped with the Full Bench’s reasoning to re-determine the case.

So, what does this mean?

Employers now face uncertainty as to the effectiveness of a fixed-term contract that is not renewed on expiration, for avoiding an unfair dismissal claim.

Rather than relying solely on the employment contract, emphasis must now be placed on the employment relationship in its entirety (in this case comprising a series of contracts over an ongoing and significant period). The Full Bench stated:

‘The analysis of whether there has been a termination at the initiative of the employer…is to be conducted by reference to termination of the employment relationship, not by reference to the termination of the contract of employment….

This distinction is important in the case of an employment relationship made up of a sequence of time-limited contracts of employment…’

If the termination is initiated by the employer and not agreed by the employee:

‘… the focus of the inquiry is whether an action on the part of the employer was the principal contributing factor which results, directly or consequentially, in the termination of the employment.’

Whilst not exhaustive, the Full Bench indicated the following factors that may be relevant and / or determinative in such cases.

  • The contract itself and whether it may be invalidated or impaired due to:
  • misrepresentation, misleading or unconscionable conduct, duress or coercion on the part of the employer;
  • serious mistake as to the contents or subject matter, or lack of legal capacity on the part of the employee;
  • terms that do not reflect the reality or totality of the terms of employment;
  • terms that are inconsistent with an award or enterprise agreement;
  • a sham arrangement.
  • Where the actual contract is for a fixed term but the employer, during the period of employment, makes representations to the employee or engages in conduct that misleads the employee into thinking the employment would continue in certain circumstances, such as satisfactory performance.

Key takeaways

  • Employers may not be protected from an unfair dismissal claim once a fixed-term contract ends.
  • Employment contracts should be reviewed to ensure they are enforceable and do not contain voidable terms.
  • Processes should be implemented to manage casual and fixed-term employees to limit exposure to an unfair dismissal claim, particularly when determining whether to renew fixed-term contracts.
  • Managers and supervisors should ensure that their conduct does not mislead or misrepresent to the employee the true nature of the employment arrangement.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Family law and financial abuse

Financial abuse occurs where a person uses systematic coercion to control another family member’s access to money or assets, whether the victim of the financial abuse is currently in, or was in, an intimate relationship with the perpetrator. Financial abuse is considered a form of domestic violence.

There is recourse and assistance available for people who are experiencing financial abuse.

This information is for general purposes only and we recommend obtaining professional advice relevant to your circumstances.

What is considered financial abuse?

Financial abuse occurs usually between intimate partners, when one controls or manipulates the other person’s access to finances, assets and decision-making to create dependence and control such as:

  • restricting another person’s access to bank accounts;
  • completely controlling their finances and money or forbidding a partner to work or make their own money;
  • not allowing a partner to use their own money or taking it away from them;
  • monitoring how a partner spends money or makes financial decisions;
  • using a partner’s money without their permission.

Financial abuse can be subtle or overt and is often not the only type of violence perpetuated against a partner. It can be accompanied by other types of abuse such as physical violence. Perpetrators of family violence usually use financial abuse as a means of stripping a victim of resources to leave the abusive relationship.

Examples of financial abuse

An example of financial abuse can occur where a spouse relies on the other spouse to earn an income for their family. The other spouse constantly pretends they’re searching for a job while in actual fact, they are instead at a friend’s house, or out indulging in leisurely activies.

Another example can include a husband insisting his wife provide him with every grocery receipt for his approval. If the husband doesn’t agree with any food purchases, he lectures his wife for hours. This can lead to a person not being able to choose what type of foods they want to eat.

What can I do if I’m experiencing financial abuse by my partner?

The most important thing is your safety and wellbeing. The police may either charge the violent person with assault and/or apply for an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) for your protection. If you prefer to remain in the house with your children, you can ask the police to remove the violent person from your house. If you need to speak to someone about advice on leaving your relationship, you can call the domestic violence hotline. The hotline can refer you to other services available for people in your situation.

If you are experiencing financial abuse, it is important to take legal action as soon as possible which may involve commencing court proceedings to prevent your financial situation worsening. This is because your assets are at a risk of being stripped or all your money being spent by your abuser.

You can apply for an urgent application in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCA) to get an injunction to prevent your assets being moved to other accounts, spent or your mutual funds disappearing. An urgent application for an injunction will usually get your matter before the court within weeks as opposed to the three months (plus) it can take to have a non-urgent proceeding heard before the court.

It is important to keep a list of documents that can confirm the existence of financial abuse, and to ensure that collecting this evidence is done safely. For example, credit card statements that can prove that a partner has money even though that partner is refusing the victim access to purchase goods they need. Credit or other financial product/service applications made in the victim’s name without their knowledge, is good evidence to retain safely, preferably in a trusted family member or friend’s home.

This area of law can be complex, especially given the urgent nature of court applications, which is why we strongly recommend you seek advice from an experienced lawyer.


If you are experiencing financial abuse and are worried about your health and safety, it is important to seek help from the police who can assist in applying for an ADVO.

You should also seek advice from an experienced lawyer about ways in which you can protect your wealth and assets being jeopardised and how to collect relevant evidence that can assist in you applying for an urgent injunction if you choose to go down this path.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Sexual harassment in the workplace

Sexual harassment is unfortunately still a common occurrence in the workplace. The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (Act) describes sexual harassment as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, it also makes sexual harassment in the workplace unlawful.

There are many examples of behaviours that amount to sexual harassment. If you are an employer, you have a duty to prevent, to the best of your ability, sexual harassment occurring in your workplace. There are various things you can do to ensure you meet your responsibilities as an employer and minimise the risk of paying out compensation for sexual harassment claims.

What is ‘sexual harassment’ in the workplace?

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has found that 72% of Australians have experienced sexual harassment in their workplace.

As mentioned above, sexual harassment involves any unwelcome or unwanted sexual conduct to an employee while they are working.

Examples of sexual harassment can include;

  • inappropriate touching or text messages;
  • sexually suggestive taunts or remarks;
  • unwanted sexual requests;
  • inappropriate questions about a person’s body.

Sexual harassment in the workplace isn’t strictly limited to a place of work, it also includes sexual harassment that occurs at work-related activities or can come from colleagues, managers or customers and clients. Acts of indecent exposure, stalking, sexual assault, obscene or threatening communications may amount to a crime and should be reported to Police.

What can I do to prevent sexual assault occurring in my workplace?

Under Workplace, Health and Safety laws (WHS) an employer must do all they reasonably can to prevent and manage the risk of sexual harassment occurring in the workplace.

The AHRC provides various guides to help employers understand and meet their legal obligations under the Sex Discrimination Act. You can find this helpful information here.

You should also have an accessible and simple complaint process available for employees to report sexual harassment informally, formally, anonymously and confidentially, including a list of information on support services available. You also cannot discriminate against or disadvantage an employee in any way for reporting sexual harassment. Having an effective complaint process can also help to identify ways to improve your workplace procedures and policies. It can also help avoid complaints to external organisations and from employees taking legal action against you.

If you want to ensure you are compliant with the procedures discussed above, we recommend you speak with one of our experienced lawyers.

Can my employee claim compensation for sexual harassment?

Yes! Employers can be ordered to pay compensation to employees who have been sexually harassed in the workplace for anxiety, depression, and other psychological effects caused by sexual harassment. Employers can also be made to pay compensation for economic loss if an employee chooses to leave their employment because of the harassment.

An employee is entitled to lodge a claim for compensation with the AHRC, within 12 months of when the harassment occurred.

The AHRC will then investigate and conciliate the employee’s complaint and determine whether the sexual harassment was unlawful. The AHRC can also arrange for the parties to attend mediation to see if a settlement can be reached.

If no agreement is reached through the AHRC, the employee has 60 days to apply for monetary compensation in the Federal Court.

The Federal Court can award damages for unlawful discrimination which includes sexual harassment. For example, in a couple of recent cases, an employee who was sexually harassed received $100,000 in compensation for the value of loss of enjoyment of life and the mental illness and distress resulting from sexual harassment and $30,000 in compensation for loss of income. In another case, an employee was awarded $120,000 in compensation for loss of income and psychological distress. A further $50,000 in compensation was awarded for aggravated damages because the employer failed to stop or prevent sexual harassment from occurring.

The above examples demonstrate the importance of having effective procedures in place that can prevent and manage sexual harassment in your workplace. If you want to minimise your risk of paying out compensation for a sexual harassment claim, we strongly recommend you speak to our experienced employment lawyers.


Employers have a duty to ensure they take reasonable steps to minimise the risk of sexual harassment occurring in the workplace and to have effective procedures in place to manage any sexual harassment complaints made by their employees.

Putting together effective procedures to minimise sexual harassment and handling sexual harassment claims can be a daunting and overwhelming task. This is why we recommend employers seek advice from an experienced lawyer.

This information is for general purposes only and you should obtain professional advice relevant to your circumstances.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Do It Yourself Conveyancing – Should you?

Conveyancing is the legal process of transferring the ownership (title) of property (real estate) from a seller to a buyer.

For most people, buying or selling property is one of the largest financial transactions they will ever make, and the conveyancing process is usually undertaken with the assistance of a conveyancer or lawyer.

Sometimes people choose to do their own conveyancing, instead of hiring a professional. There are a few factors you should consider before you decide to undertake your own conveyancing and it is also vital to understand the conveyancing process, as it may become complex.

What you should consider before choosing DIY conveyancing

Conveyancing is often considered one of the more ‘routine’ legal services offered by a law firm. However, the complexity of a property transaction and the formalities required are often under-estimated. The process moves quickly and once a binding contract is entered, the legal ramifications for breaching the contract, whether you are buying or selling, can be significant.

DIY conveyancing kits may seem tempting as they claim that these kits make the conveyancing process easy because they can save you time and money. They may  cost anywhere from $150 to $200 and provide step by step instructions on how to carry out your conveyance. The DIY kits are available for purchase for buyers and sellers.

If you are considering using a DIY kit, you should ensure:

  • You can confidently use legal documents and understand legal terminology, including researching the property, ensuring both parties follow the law, and that all money goes where it is supposed to.
  • You have enough time to be able to complete the conveyance process on your own, especially if this is the first time you are doing this.
  • You weigh up the cost of carrying out your own conveyancing as opposed to paying a professional to do so and whether it’s worth saving that bit extra when compared to the large financial transaction you are about to make.

Why should I hire the services of a conveyancer or lawyer?

If you are not confident with legal terminology, are short on time, or have a complex property transaction, you could end up spending more money and time by attempting to undertake your own conveyancing work.

Using a professional to undertake the conveyance ensures the transaction is completed accurately and without delay. A conveyancer or lawyer can ensure that a compliant contract is prepared to begin with, that all title details are correct, and that special conditions tailored to each parties’ particular needs are included. They will also ensure the correct stamp duty and other transfer associated fees are paid, and encumbrances on the title removed prior to settlement so that the property can be properly transferred.

Whether you choose a conveyancer or property lawyer, both professions require significant study and training, and most have conducted numerous conveyancing transactions. Accordingly, you benefit from years of knowledge and expertise, which is vital when it comes to avoiding common pitfalls, carrying out due diligence on a property you are purchasing, ensuring pertinent disclosure issues are covered if you are selling, and advising on ownership interests.

Another advantage of hiring a conveyancer or lawyer is that they will have full indemnity and fidelity cover, whereas if you do your own conveyancing, you will be liable for any mistakes that are detrimental to the other party of the conveyance.


There is a lot more to conveyancing than filling out a few forms. If you’d rather not deal with government departments, banks, and complex legal documents, it is probably in your best interests to hire the services of a lawyer or conveyancer to process your property sale or purchase. Is it worth risking the successful conveyance of your property just for the sake of saving a few dollars?

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

Moving in together? Are we now in a de facto relationship?

Just because a couple is living together it does not automatically mean they are in a de facto relationship. There are many different factors in determining whether two people are living in a de facto relationship, such as whether they share bank accounts, are in a sexual relationship, and whether they are known as a couple to family and friends.

If you are a couple who chooses to move in together with the intention of becoming ’de factos’, then you should be well acquainted with what your rights and responsibilities are under de facto relationship laws.

What is a de facto relationship?

Contrary to public opinion, there is no set time period that a couple needs to be living together before they can be considered to be in a de facto relationship. However, to be recognised as a ’de facto couple’ and have the same legal rights as a married couple, the Family Law Act generally requires a couple to have been living together for at least two years OR have at least one child from the relationship.

There is no one size fits all checklist of factors to prove that a couple is living in a de facto relationship, rather there are factors that should be taken into consideration when assessing whether a couple are in a de facto relationship. These include:

  • Are the couple living together and if so, for how long have they been living together?
  • Whether the couple has a sexual/intimate relationship.
  • Whether they share joint bank accounts or own property together.
  • Whether they share weekly living costs, such as utility bills.
  • Whether their family and friends know them to be a couple.
  • Whether they share any children.

How do I protect my assets if I’m in a de facto relationship?

One way to protect your assets is through a Financial Agreement (often referred to as a ‘pre-nup’). A Financial Agreement sets out the assets each party has at the beginning of the relationship and how these assets will be divided if they separate. A Financial Agreement is particularly important in circumstances where one party has significantly greater assets than their partner.

If a de facto couple decide not to draw up a legally binding Financial Agreement, they should at the very minimum agree to keep all their finances separate.

This should include:

  • Keeping finances and bank accounts separate.
  • No joint ownership of any property acquired.
  • Each party remains responsible for their own debts, makes their own financial decisions and spends their money as they wish, with no accountability to the other party.
  • There should be no financial planning for the couple’s future. There should be no evidence of an intention to provide for the other party in a Will, as a beneficiary in superannuation funds or life insurance policies.
  • The party that does not own the home that the couple live in should be contributing rent/board to cover normal living expenses.

If you want to ensure that your assets are protected in the event that your de facto relationship breaks down, we recommend you seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer.

How does the law treat a de facto relationship?

The Family Law Act allows parties in a de facto relationship (for over two years), to make an application to the court for orders to be made about how their assets and liabilities should be divided following a breakup.

There are some exceptions to the two-year minimum period, where:

  • the de facto couple share a child;
  • their relationship has been registered; and
  • one party has made substantial contributions to the other party.

In the above circumstances, the parties can make an application to the court even if the relationship lasted for less than two years.

What are my rights if my de facto relationship ends?

The jurisdiction of the Family Law Act applies to de facto couples who separate and seek financial and other orders. The party making the application must prove that a de facto relationship existed for a period of at least two years and that separation occurred after 1 March 2009.

A party to a de facto relationship can only ask a court to make an order about financial matters after the breakdown of a de facto relationship.

Financial matters include:

  • property settlements
  • spousal maintenance matters
  • superannuation splits

There is a time limit of two years from the date of separation to make a property claim.


De facto couples generally have the same legal rights as a married couple under the Family Law Act. There is no one size fits all checklist of factors to prove that a couple is living in a de facto relationship, rather various factors are taken into consideration when assessing whether a couple are in a de facto relationship.

If you would like to protect your assets in the event your relationship breaks down and prefer to keep the Family Court out of the division of your property and assets, you may wish to consider entering into a binding Financial Agreement, especially where one party has significantly greater assets than their partner.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email

The risks of being an executor – commissions and personal liability

Are you an executor of a Will? Before administering the estate, you should understand that this role involves risks such as personal liability for the expenses of administering the estate.

You also should be aware that you may be entitled to commission for your ‘handy work’ in administering the deceased’s estate. It is important to understand the methods in which commission is determined to ensure you are paid a correct and fair amount.

Can an executor of a Will receive commission?

An executor of a Will is entitled to charge a reasonable commission for administering the assets of the deceased’s estate. However, executors are not automatically entitled to commission for their work and will need to make an application to the Supreme Court for commission. Alternatively, if all residual beneficiaries of the Will are adults, they can reach a unanimous agreement on the amount of commission to be paid. This agreement should be in writing and signed by all beneficiaries.

How is commission determined?

The amount of commission paid to an executor ranges from 1 – 3% of all assets less all liabilities, which is referred to as the ‘corpus’. For example, an estate is worth $1.5 million. After the sale of the property, payment of outstanding mortgage, funeral and other estate administration expenses, $1 million remains as part of the estate. This amount is referred to as the ‘corpus’.  In this scenario, the executor would be entitled to a commission of approximately $10,000 to $30,000. Additionally, an executor may earn up to 6% of income earned during the administration.

The Supreme Court may also determine the amount of commission paid to an executor by considering the following factors:

  • size of the deceased’s estate;
  • type of care and responsibilities required of the executor;
  • the amount of time an executor has invested into performing their duties;
  • the care and diligence shown by the executor in performing their duties.

If an executor is a beneficiary under a Will, this does not mean they cannot also make a claim for commission. The Court will look at how much has been left to the executor as a beneficiary and will adjust any commission accordingly, if granted.

To ensure you receive the correct and fair amount of commission for acting as executor, we recommend you speak to one of our experienced lawyers.

Personal liability

Executors of a Will must ensure they comply with the terms of the Will and relevant legislation when administering the estate.

An executor’s duty to finalise the deceased’s tax affairs is possibly one of the most underestimated tasks. If an executor does not properly carry out their duties in this regard, they run the risk of becoming personally liable for the payment of the deceased’s tax liabilities. Therefore we strongly recommend executors obtain legal and accounting advice at an early stage.

What is usually involved in finalising a deceased’s individual tax affairs?

The executor is expected to notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) of the deceased’s death and arrange for any outstanding tax returns to be prepared and lodged. They must also arrange a final tax return for the deceased to be prepared and lodged and arrange payment of any tax liabilities.

An executor’s tax obligations under a Will may become more onerous if the deceased had any involvement with companies or trusts, operated a business or was the trustee or member of a self-managed superannuation fund.

Executors should also understand that the estate’s tax affairs are different from the deceased’s individual tax affairs. Estates are treated as trusts for tax purposes, so an executor should:

  • obtain a tax file number for the estate;
  • arrange and ensure that tax returns are prepared and lodged with the ATO; and
  • ensure payment of any tax liabilities.

The above can involve a substantial amount of time as the executor would need to gather information and documents in order to finalise the deceased’s individual tax affairs. This could become an onerous task especially if the deceased had a number of outstanding tax returns, did not use an accountant, or leave sufficient records and paperwork.

Therefore it is imperative for an executor to obtain appropriate accounting and legal advice either before or at an early stage of the estate administration. It will also help to reduce the risk of personal tax liabilities.



It is clear from the above discussion that it is imperative for an executor of a Will to seek legal and accounting advice to prevent becoming personally liable for the deceased’s outstanding tax debts. It will also assist the executor is administering the Will properly and efficiently.

This information is for general purposes, and you should obtain professional advice relevant to your circumstances. A lawyer who is experienced in this area will also be able to advise as to the amount of commission an executor is entitled to for their effort in administering a Will.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 07 3281 6644 or email